About Us
Pest control solutions is a known as a quality oriented company that is highly sophisticated and has built trust with their customer , highest level of customer service we are a company that in specializes pest solutions build around standard modules. We work with the customers, we have highly trained verified and certified service technicians. We have a great service excellence team the primary focus of the team is driving consistent quality performance, new solution and innovation.
One of the priorly programs of the service team is developing the standardized service delivery process and imparting relevant training to the team. Customer deliver best services to our service team are authentic and honest to our customer in respect to providing service.
We are using safe and world wide accepted method.
We have a good infrastructure to run operations successfully .
We are taking full measures to protect the public through environmental policies that respect nature.
Enhanced customer satisfaction by improving policy. Process procedures and sytem.
We aim to provide pest free home to our customer here a solution of all problematic pest and vectors. Company is committed to delivering the best possible value.
At pest control solutions corporate governance is the way of life and is enshrined as a part of our way of working. Our philosophy on corporate governance is build on foundation of ethical and transparent business operations. The cardinal principals such as independence accountability – responsibility – transparency and trusteeship serve as means for implementing the philosophy of corporate governance.
It is a designed to inspire trust among all employee or customers strengthen the board and management and thereby promoters and protect the long term interests of all customers. We always believe and promote open culture. If have a queries ask them , If have ethical concerns raise them.
The company is focused on enhancing long term value creations for all customer without compromising on integrity . Social obligations environment and regulatory compliances.
Our actions are governed by our values and principals which are reinforced at all levels of the organizations. These principles have been and will continue to be our guiding force in future.
Pest control solutions governance structure is more than just adherence to statutory and regulatory requirements and we are constantly in pursuit of adhering to emerging best practices.